Upgrade that makeshift yoga studio into a temple of calm

Unravelled Yoga Studio?s Maya Pratt is here to show you how

By Thea Pheiffer | April 23, 2020 | Category design/trends

As a yoga obsessive, the prospect of an even longer lockdown has become all the more stressful a thought as the idea of finding just a little incarceration calm seems more and more unlikely. First, there’s the logistics of floor-plan management; where am I meant to put my mat without toppling into the kitchen doing a headstand? And the environs? I’m looking for Gwyneth Paltrow-level Zen zones. So I called up yoga aficionado and founder of Unraveled Yoga Studio in Cape Town, Maya Pratt, for a little high-style– and higher state – guidance.


Find a space 3-4 times the size of your yoga mat. You’re looking for space to wave your arms and kick your feet. What you’re not looking for is a head-on collision with a minimalist piece of Scandi furniture. 


Declutter your space or you’re never going to find calm – or your footing. That old saying ‘messy bed, messy head’ applies to your new yoga space, too, so if it isn’t essential, clear it away.


Finding peace and quiet is essential, even if that’s easier said than done on lockdown. You can’t kick out noisy partners and kids, but you can leave your phone, computer and any kind of distraction at the door (and then close it behind you).



Find a warm space. The heat needs to be gentle, so think carpet instead of tile or, failing that,  have a blanket and socks nearby. Cold toes are never a good way to end your class.


Add one or two personal touches – a plant, a candle, incense or a charm. Remember step two – no clutter – but rather opt for something that acts as a reminder of beauty in and around.


For online yoga classes join Unraveled at unraveledyoga