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Gardens: New Beginnings

Embark on your garden journey

By Life Is A Garden | September 4, 2019 | Category gardens

We believe nothing says spring like blossoms on the fruit trees, new flower buds, bright new leaves and the sound of the birds singing in the morning. Spring means new beginnings and at Life is a Garden, we believe this is the perfect time to start afresh and reinvent your garden.

With the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is easy to forget about our gardens and the benefits it brings to our families, the creatures that rely on them and the greater environment. However, now is the time to stop and smell the roses, literally, the ones that you can grow in your own garden.

Over the next 12 months, we will remind you of some reasons for you to love your garden along with useful tips and inspirational advice to help you make your dream garden a reality. We want to help you get your garden into tip-top shape and earn you some bragging rights with your friends and family. Let's make you the envy of your neighbourhood.

Whether your garden is big or small, with a little inspiration from Life is a Garden, you will be able to turn it into your happy place, a tranquil escape from a busy lifestyle.

Ready? Set... but first, familiarise yourself with your garden. Walk around and take note of the sunny spots and the shady areas. This is important because you’ll want to select plants that will grow best in these areas.

Planning a newly prepared flower bed with plants placed in pots. Picture: Paul Macguire

You may also want to create a seating area in the garden under a tree or include a walkway or water feature as a central focal point of the garden. Let your imagination go and dream-up your new garden. Visualise what you want to create and make your space your own.

Once you have a picture in your mind, go through the Life is a Garden website and look for some garden inspiration, tips on what to plant when and other ideas on what to include in your garden. Also, subscribe to our newsletter for monthly inspiration and for reasons to love your garden.

Visit the Life Is A Garden website lifeisagarden.co.za for more info and gardening inspiration.