Our New Plant Obsession Is the Indoor Climbing Vine

Sorry, Pilea peperomioides, there?s a new trend in town

By Amanda Sims & Gabriela Ulloa | May 26, 2020 | Category gardens

A fiddle-leaf fig is lovely and all, but it doesn’t exactly give off rambling greenhouse vibes. (Sorry, buddy.) If you want your apartment to feel outdoorsy—even if it’s smack in the middle of a big city—the plant you should consider is one you’ve probably never even thought of: an indoor vine plant. You know the look—leggy tendrils reaching toward the window, leaves tapering off to tiny new sprouts near the ends. Bonus: Growing one is hardly rocket science. Pick the plant that’s right for you based on where you want to put it, and don’t forget to think about the light!

For a low-lift situation, consider a pothos, which can grow happily in all kinds of light. In the need of something more sun-friendly? Pick up some ivy or jasmine, both of which will go absolutely nuts in bright light. Other good vines to consider include philodendrons, arrowheads, even black-eyed Susans for a little pop of colour. Let it be known, however, you will have to put in a little bit of work on these plants. If your climber is growing really rapidly, you’ll need to clip it back on occasion. (This not only keeps it from spreading in the wrong direction but also encourages a thicker, leafier result.) Prune more aggressively come spring and again in the fall if you’ve got a real spreader. And in general, err on the side of underwatering tapering off even more in the low light of winter. Vines are pretty vigorous, however—should you completely neglect your climbing plant, it might still stretch out in all directions with that slightly haphazard, highly charming legginess. Read on for some of our favourite indoor climbing vines.


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A festive sight after a critical week in NY 💚 this neon pothos in one of our favorite hanging planters. . . . . #plantsplantsplants #brooklyn #botanicalpickmeup #pothos #plantlady #plantmom #plantparenthood #nyc #shopsmall #supportsmallbusiness #greenterior #urbanjungle #plantstore #homedecor #interiordesign

A post shared by DIRTQUEEN NYC 🌵🌸👑(@dirtqueennyc) on Apr 9, 2020 at 7:12am PDT

If you’re on the hunt for a plant that will thrive in low light—say, atop a bookshelf in the less bright corner of your living room—consider a pothos, which can grow happily in all kinds of light, and let it trail down the side of the shelves. These low-maintenance guys are the perfect buy for anyone a bit too busy to think about their houseplants. While our heart-shaped friends are a pretty low lift, they still require a bit of love every now and again. If your pothos begins to yellow, you’re probably overwatering. Good thing there’s an easy solution for that.

Ivy plant. Image: Pexels

Want something with a vintage feel? A vine that totally thrives in a bright-light-window-arch situation? Opt for an ivy plant. Be sure to have a surface for the plant to be trained along, whether that’s a pipe or a beam or the exposed rafters along your ceiling. While this isn’t required, it sure is helpful. Ivy will stick itself right onto the wall, so we definitely recommend adding very discreet tacks to guide or “train” the vine in your preferred direction, though it will naturally creep toward the natural light source. Keep it alive with indirect sunlight and some moist soil, and the bond that you two share will probably never be broken ever again. Kidding, kidding. Or are we?

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The silver green foliage of the #philodendronhastatum always amazes us. Thanks @huisje.plantje.beestje for sharing! 📸#philodendronfanatic • • • • • • • • #apartmentbotanist #philodendron #philofanatic #wishlistplant #houseplantclub #houseplants #houseplantdiary #urbanjunglebloggers #urbanjungle #urbanjungleblog #iplanteven #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantgram #plantstagram #plantcollection #plantobsessed #moreplantsplease #philo #plantlover #aroid #philofiend - Fanatics: @apartmentbotanist @james_renaud @lostinplantopia @plantsinwonderland

A post shared by Philodendron Fanatic(@philodendronfanatic) on Jul 9, 2019 at 4:13am PDT


Similar to a pothos, a philodendron is your match if you prefer an indoor hanging plant, sans complications. This easy-care houseplant requires indirect light and weekly water that leaves the topsoil dry to the touch. If you live in a drier climate, consider investing in a humidifier to get this baby to its 10-foot-long potential. As with other vines, if the leaves turn yellow, you have probably overwatered. Then again, if the leaves start to wilt, your vine is thirsty.

Jasmine. Image: Pexels

Live somewhere with cold winters? Jasmine may be the vine for you. Surviving intense winters and peaking in spring or summer, jasmine vines will leave your space filled with a dreamy aroma. Consider planting this vine in your doorway, welcoming guests with a relaxing and calming scent. While these fragrant beauties can be grown in the coldest of climates, they crave sun, fertile soil, and water.

Arrowhead plant. Image: Pexels


This spadelike beauty produces larger leaves and trailing stems capturing a whimsical “this old thing?” vibe. Thriving on medium to bright light, arrowheads will constantly surprise you with their fast-growing and ever-changing colors. Be sure to give her some water two to three times per week to keep her lush and happy. Once your soil is dry, it’s definitely time for water.

Black-eyed Susan. Image: Unsplash

If daisy-like flowers are your thing, but you still want the aesthetic a vine provides, get the best of both worlds with a black-eyed Susan vine. They are ideal for hanging containers because they’ll tangle themselves using the pot as support and cascade gracefully over the edges. Unlike several other vines, black-eyed Susans crave direct sunlight. Leave them out to tan and absorb all the sun, but—and this is a  big but—if you live in a dry, hot climate, a bit of afternoon shade is preferred. Moderation is key when taking care of this blooming lady. Don’t under- or overwater her. Just be sure to keep the roots cool and moist.

This article was originally published on AD CLEVER