What to plant at this time of year

It's time to fertilise your flower beds. In spring you need to encourage a healthy, strong root system

By Chris Dalzell | August 27, 2019 | Category gardens

What is in flower this month:

Scadoxus puniceus (Blood Lily), Rothmannia globosa (September Bells), Bulbine natalensis, Strelitzia reginae (Bird of Paradise), Erythrina lysistemon and caffra (Coral tree), Cotyledon orbiculata, Crassula ovata, Crassula multicarva, Dombeya rotundifolia (wild pear), Dombeya burgessiae (pink wild pear), Tetradenia riparia (Iboza).

Sun loving shrubs: 

Bauhinia galpinii (Pride de Kaap), Turraea obtusifolia (small honeysuckle-tree), Gardenia thunbergia (Forest Gardenia), Orthosiphon labiatus (small shell bush), Plectranthus ecklonii (large spur-flower bush), Tecoma capensis (Cape Honey suckle), Polygala myrtifolia (September bush), Leonotis leonoris (wild Dagga), Tecoma capensis (Cape honey-suckle), Becium obovatum (Cat’s Whiskers), Hypoestes aristata (Ribbon bush), Gomphocarpus physocarpus (Milkweed).

Sun-loving ground covers: 

Agapanthus praecox, Tulbaghia violaceae, Aloe cooperii, Asparagus sprengerii, Asystasia gangetica, Anthericum saundersiae, Dietes grandiflora, Gazannia sp. Crassula multicarva, barleria obtusa, Bulbine natalensis, Bulbine latifolius, Aloe chaubaudii, Osteospermums, Delospermum sp., Carpobrotus dimidiatus, Scabiosa sp. Cotyledon orbiculata (Pigs ears), kniphofia sp (Red Hot Poker), Eucomis autumnalis (Pineapple plant), Gladiolus dalenii.

Shade-loving shrubs: 

Mackaya bella (Forest Bells), Plectranthus zuluensi (Zulu Spur Flower), Dracaena aletriformis (Dragon Tree), Plectranthus ecklonii (Spur Flower), Rothmannia globosa (September Bells), Plectranthus saccatus, Plectranthus fruticosus, Acocanthera oppositifolia (Bushman’s Poison), Pavetta lanceolata (Bride’s Bush), Pavetta revoluta (Dune Bride’s Bush).

Shade-loving ground covers: 

Chlorophytum bowkeri, Clivia miniata, Haemanthus albiflos, Bulbine natalensis, Chlorophytum krookianum, Dietes grandiflora, Crocosmia aurea, Dietes iridiodes, Plectranthus ciliatus, Agapanthus praecox, Barleria obtusifolia (Bush violet), Scadoxus puniceus (Blood Lily), Setaria megaphylla (Giant setaria)

Image: Chris Brown Photography

Mulch all the shrub beds with either leaf mould or mushroom compost. This allows the roots to remain warm and keeps moisture in, preventing water loss. It is also a time to fertilise your flower beds. In spring you need to encourage a healthy, strong root system. Superphosphate is needed to improve such a root system, so in September sprinkle a handful per square metre into the root area of all shrubs.

Images: Pexels