WATCH: How to change your duvet cover in 60 seconds

According to a British bedding company, the roll and stuff technique is a system that works every time

By Lifestyle Reporter | July 7, 2020 | Category interiors/bathroom

Inatagram: @x.wild.minds.x

Nothing compares to the feeling of snuggling under clean bed linen after a hot shower. But for most of us, the trouble starts when it comes to stuffing the duvet into the duvet cover.

The struggle is real, especially after realising that you inserted the duvet the wrong way in after nearly five minutes of trying. But the folks at a British bedding company say they have the ultimate hack to ensure your duvet is changed in under 60 seconds.

According to Yorkshire Linen, the roll and stuff technique, which they've perfected since 2013, is a system that works every time.

The Mirror shared the technique with their readers. Here's how to do it:

Lay your empty duvet cover flat on the bed. Place your duvet on top and roll it up towards the opening of the duvet cover, which is still flat on the bed, until you have a cylinder shape.

Place the rolled up duvet into the opening of the cover. It's easiest to do one side at a time. Once inside, grab the two corners closest to you and put them inside the corners of the duvet at the same end. 

Then hold the corners from the outside, give it a vigorous shake and the duvet should unroll inside the cover and drop into position perfectly.

Flap it about to make sure each side fits snuggly into all four corners.

Watch the tutorial below to see how it's done:

Now that you've perfected the art of duvet covers, you're probably wondering how to fold those pesky fitted sheets. One crafty TikTok user who goes by the username @bubltea1 may have the perfect answer. She swears by the ingenious hack.


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