A comprehensive guide 101 to easily create compost from kitchen waste

Creating compost is not as intimidating as it seems and is a great way to easily propel sustainable living, starting in your kitchen

By Yashna Balwanth | November 10, 2022 | Category

Creating your own compost cannot be understated in how much this helps propel sustainable living, Image Unsplash

Why compost

Besides the obvious factor of propelling us toward sustainable living, minimising our landfill waste and reducing our carbon footprint, composting is an easy way to positively affect our future. Creating enriched soil from kitchen scraps is nature’s way of assisting plants with better growth. Every little part helps when it comes to reducing our waste, so more mindful usage of our kitchen scraps goes a long way.

What you can and cannot compost

It is important to know what can and cannot be composted to create the ideal, nutrient-rich soil for your planting needs. Things like animal and fish products (meat, fats or dairy) take a really long time to break down, and can also cause terrible odours from your compost heap, leading to the attraction of pests and rodents (which is never ideal). Pet waste and diseased plants should also be avoided in mixing with your compost heap because the bacteria could be harmful to humans. Keep your ingredients to fruit, vegetables, expired food and eggshells, shredded newspaper and even fireplace ash.

Composting soil is made of kitchen scraps, mainly fruits and vegetables, Image Unsplash

Composting and technology

Not everyone has the space to compost, whether you are limited to outdoor gardens or the size of a balcony. Time is also a factor to consider since composting at home could take anywhere from 60 to 90 days for the items to eventually break down into composting soil to be used for your plants. Technology has combated these areas of concern with a kitchen composter - a little device that takes your kitchen waste and food scraps and turns it into compost in a matter of hours as opposed to months. Devices such as these make it easier for the everyday consumer to recycle at home and reduce our waste naturally.

How to compost at home

If composting at home is not for you, some services offer to turn your food scraps into compost every month, making it so simple to live a more sustainable lifestyle. However, if you would like to compost at home but are not sure where to start, this tutorial is a great way to get into composting at home with easy explanations and simple steps for you to follow.