Baked sweet potato, chorizo, mushrooms and egg

Baked sweet potato, chorizo, mushrooms and egg creates a great, gooey, savoury-sweet plateful

By House & Garden UK | March 24, 2020 | Category recipes

Image: Diane Henry

Recipe by Diana Henry


You can leave the egg off, or use bacon lardons instead of chorizo, if you prefer. A great, gooey, savoury-sweet plateful.

2 sweet potatoes

3tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

150g chestnut mushrooms, cleaned, chopped into pieces

100g chorizo, sliced a little thicker than a £1 coin

2 large eggs

Small handful of coriander leaves, optional

Sprinkling of smoked paprika, optional

To serve:

Baby leaves, such as spinach



Heat the oven to 200°C/fan oven 180°C/mark 6. Bake the sweet potatoes in a foil-lined tin for about 30 minutes (though I find cooking time varies according to the texture of the variety you are using).

When the potatoes are nearly cooked, heat 1tbsp of the oil in a frying pan and sauté the mushrooms briskly over a fairly high heat.

Season. (Mushrooms give out a lot of moisture when they cook, so make sure these juices have evaporated.) Scrape into a bowl and keep warm. Add 1/2tbsp more oil to the pan and brown the chorizo on both sides. Add to the mushrooms.

Heat the rest of the oil and fry the eggs, scooping hot oil up over the yolks to help them cook.

Split each potato lengthways to open them up. Spoon the mushrooms and chorizo inside the potatoes and scatter with the coriander, if using. Top with the fried eggs, sprinkling on a little smoked paprika if you want, and serve with baby leaves, such as spinach.

This recipe was originally published on House & Garden UK