Raw food diet for your pet? This trend is taking social media by storm

A controversial topic for some, this trend has been popular online with some pet lovers

By Alyxandra Carolus | March 15, 2023 | Category recipes

Are you curious about raw food diets for your pet? Image: Unsplash

Would you ever feed your pet a raw food diet? This dietary choice is one that’s making waves on social media platforms. You can see countless pet owners feeding their furry companions a mixture of raw food, fruit and cooked vegetables to make an extremely colourful food bowl. Would you ever try to do this for your beloved four-legged companions?

If you’ve been spending time on social media, hashtag #rawfeddog has over 1.9 billion views on TikTok and over 680 000 posts on Instagram. The trend is not slowing down but it’s definitely an interesting one. The disclaimer that most of the pet owners share is that they’ve consulted a veterinarian professional and feed their dog or cat a diet that’s been prescribed especially for them. So it’s not something that can be easily emulated through seeing a short form video or an Instagram post.

Watch on TikTok

If you’re keen to learn more and do your research before consulting a professional, you definitely can’t be squeamish. A quick look at some of the offerings online and you’ll see duck neck, raw quail eggs, salmon heads or tails and many other organs. Most pet owners are able to source these cuts because it’s not fit for human consumption and a little cheaper than the meat available at the supermarket.

Still curious? Have a look at how this pet owner feeds her large breed dog (not for the fainthearted!)