Recipe: Make the perfect spicy plum chutney for stews and curries

A little spicy and a little sweet, this chutney is perfect as a side this winter

By Edwain Steenkamp | July 17, 2023 | Category recipes

This sweet and spicy chutney can be altered so make a truly authentic South African version. Image: by Waldemar via Unsplash

You can also replace traditional plums with a South African alternative: the Num Num. This spiky-stemmed, glossy leaf shrub with fragrant white star-shaped flowers and sweet tasting red fruit and is native to the coastal regions of the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. Grow your own as a protective shrub or forage these gems (watch out for the spikes!) to make your own delicious chutney with this local delicacy. This sweet and spicy chutney is perfect for stews and curries, and make for a ask-for-more addition to any dinner table this winter.


500g plums, or Num Nums

1 pear

1 onion of your choice

¼ cup raisins

⅓ cup sugar

½ teaspoon crushed dried chili flakes

½ tsp salt

1 teaspoons yellow mustard seeds

¼ cup cider vinegar

1 cinnamon stick


1. Peel and coarsely chop the pear (removing the core and stem) and onion.

2. Halve the plums.

3. Place the fruit and onions into a large stainless steel or enamel pan with the raisins, sugar, chili, salt, mustard seeds, vinegar, and cinnamon stick.

4. Bring to a boil, turn down the heat to low, and leave to simmer for an 20 minutes, giving the occasional stir to reduce the risk of the chutney sticking.

5. The chutney will be ready when the mixture has reached a sticky, but still ‘droppable’ consistency.