Chommies Expands from Dog Designs to Human Products with Heart
The cliche goes that 'dog bites man' is no headline, but 'man bites dog' merits a bit more attention. Similarly, it’s unremarkable when a lifestyle brand produces a few cute items for dogs — but when a dog-focused brand uses its experience to expand to making products to be enjoyed even by customers on two legs, that’s worth another look.
The evolution of Chommies has been informed by the lives of the people who use and love these handmade pieces, who 'enjoy a laidback lifestyle and have a unique way of seeing and navigating the world,' says Chommies founder Nathalie Klijn. 'They value nature, a sense of joy, playfulness and imperfection, teamed with a need for practicality — all of which comes with owning dogs.'
The brand’s focus on local manufacturing has involved materials and processes that enable design innovation and sustainable practices. With the appointment of multi hyphenate creative Bielle Bellingham as marketing and business director, the innovation, experimentation and collaboration continues.
Next up is a well-being range, walkwear for people, the use of mushroom leather in the creation of dog collars, and more homeware products in the vein of the brand’s recent dog bowl sets made in collaboration with Wiid Design — all with the brand’s canine clientele in mind as every detail is considered. 'Our products always have a "sensory" angle to them, as dogs navigate their world through their senses.' Nathalie explains. 'Our products never aim to restrict dogs in any way. A life well-lived with dogs gets messy and somewhat chaotic!'
Text by Cayleigh Bright