5 womxn run food businesses in Cape Town making changes we can support

Studio H is part of a plan to save womxn owned food businesses while keeping the public and industry workers safe

By Amy Saunders | March 23, 2020 | Category travel-leisure

We all trying to stay safe and spend as much time at home as possible right now. Grabbing a bite at our favourite restaurants or a trip to the grocery store may soon be a thing of the past or a rare occurrence, so these women-run businesses have found ways to minimise human to human contact for now and still keep their food businesses running.  

Studio H listed restaurants and other food businesses who are now offering delivery and pick up services and the list is constantly growing.

‘At Studio H + FOOD XX, we want to do all we can to help support this industry we love so fiercely and so we’re compiling a list of restaurants and food businesses, run by womxn, who are staying open during this time. Some are offering reduced menus and takeaway options, others are shifting into prepared meals, but all have come up with clever ways to keep their businesses open and running and they need your support.’

Take a look at a 5 of these businesses in the Mother City.

Umthunzi Farming Community

A farming community that used to offer collection of their produce, their bags of fresh veggies will now be harvested on Tuesdays and home-delivered to those who order on Wednesdays.

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*Important notice* . We are facing much uncertainty regarding COVID-19. . . Our greatest concern is how we can safely continue to support the farmer network, our community of small businesses and you as individuals in your homes during this time. . . Regarding the farmers: many of them are older, are potentially immunocompromised, live in close quarters with family and neighbours, and lack adequate sanitation, which puts them at great risk of contracting COVID. They also rely heavily on the incomes that they receive from Umthunzi. Losing this income could mean that they are unable to eat healthily and sustain their families, compromising them even more. . . Many businesses have temporarily closed or have implemented work from home policies, including many of our customers. As a result, we are already seeing an impact on sales and are also concerned about people accessing fresh produce and staying healthy during this time. . . For these reasons, we would like to keep our operations going until it is no longer safe to do so, but at a limited capacity. . . We will be implementing the following immediately: -We will only be harvesting on Tuesdays and delivering on Wednesdays -We will be collecting vegetables from the farms and stock intake will happen at the warehouse rather than with the farmers so as to limit contact -We will be operating only with essential staff, which means only 5 of us: Kim, Baden, Chad, Fabian and Emma -Our skeleton staff have agreed to limit external exposure as much as is possible -We are applying stringent hygiene protocols in our warehouse and with the farmers . . *In the face of many restaurant businesses closing, you as harvest bag customers are our heros, as you can continue to shop with us. Please support Umthunzi during this time and stay healthy cooking at home* *In regards to harvest bag orders this week and going forward until further notice* . . -harvest bag deliveries will take place on Wednesdays -we will not be delivering harvest bags to our regular communal collection points -Instead, we will offer home delivery . . To order for Weds delivery head to our order form: www.bit.ly/umthunzi Or contact us 084 835 9970

A post shared by Umthunzi Farming Community(@umthunzifarmingcommunity) on Mar 16, 2020 at 4:35am PDT

Sepial’s Kitchen

Based in Salt River, Sepial’s Kitchen makes North-east Asian food that is suitable for freezing and easy reheating. They are currently working on an order and collection basis but will soon be offering a delivery service.

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Effective immediately, we will only take orders from the link in bio for delivery on Friday. We believe the less you come outside, the safer you will be. As the screening of COVID-19 in SA is very limited, we cannot recognize if we are infected and spreading the virus. This virus can be transferred even before it develops any symptom. I will personally drive to you and drop your order in front of your door. Payment must be ONLY by EFT on confirmation or Snapscan on delivery. Detailed order and delivery procedure will be as following; 1. Order your frozen/dry DIY packages with instruction from our order page. 2. We contact you to confirm your order and send you bill by WhatsApp. We will share greetings at this stage not when we meet later. Sad but safe. 3. We pack your order in biodegradable plastic bags and spray it with 70% alcohol. 4. Frozen products will be kept in a cooler box with reusable ice packs on your delivery day 5. I send you whatsapp message just before driving to you. 6. I whatsapp again when I arrive and drop your order 7. I spray the package again in front of your gate/door. You check the order and confirm everything is good. 8. You can send us feedback to improve this protocol. 9. We will all be happy and safe. Keep well until we open our tables again❤️

A post shared by Sepial’s Kitchen(@sepialskitchen) on Mar 22, 2020 at 3:25am PDT

Publik x Friends

The Wine retailer has partnered with other local brands such as Jason Bakery, Frankie Fenner Meat Merchants, Deluxe Coffeeworks and Jack Black on a delivery service that includes food items as well as wine.

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DELI. Open today, Publik Bolton Road is trading as a deli. Hours are 12pm - 5pm. Pickup or free delivery. Bread, coffee, milk, eggs, veggies, cured meats, Burrata and other cheeses, etc, etc all at retail prices. We’re also growing the offering daily to meet all your grocery needs. Support local. And please get in touch if you have produce suggestions or requests. Contact @publikwinebarjhb or via +27738994816. #PublikJoburgIsNowADeli #SupportLocal #Joburg #StrangeTimesNewVibes #Wine #vino #naturalwine

A post shared by PUBLIK (Artisan Wines)(@publikwine) on Mar 22, 2020 at 2:02am PDT

Seven Colours Eatery

Offering home-cooked comfort food like mogodu, braaied chicken, samp, steamed bread, amagwinya, this Cape Town-based eatery delivers orders placed with 24 hours beforehand to your door and offer weekly specials.


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With the COVID-19 upon us, unfortunately, we will not be participating in any markets. We will however be offering pre-ordered deliveries. For the safety of our customers, and employees, all our staff members have been placed on leave. My husband and I will be keeping the business alive. Public health has advised that COVID-19 cannot be transmitted via food. We will be following the best practices of food safety & packaging, maintaining proper sanitation of food preparation surfaces. Your continuous support during this time will be much appreciated. NOLU CEO 📸: Sadiqah Assur #coronavirus #bestsouthafricanfood #unity #hope

A post shared by Seven Colours(@sevencolours_eatery) on Mar 17, 2020 at 4:46am PDT