In its sixth instalment since the inception of the series, the H&G team dug deep in their saved archives to share designs and interior pieces that inspire them. With so much design inspo and limited characters, here’s are our favourite posts of the week.
A classic kitchen that never gets old
Winter nights always lead us to the kitchen cooking up something dangerous (usually a high carb cheese combo) that requires ample space. My insta inspo this week is this classic open plan kitchen by Lonny Mag designed by Sarah Sherman Samuel with all the space for dangerous cooking. - Thea Pheiffer, Art Director
Dreaming in Pink
I'm dreaming in pink with this elegant pink infinity pool designed by The Line Visualization worldwide CGI studio. As we know, opportunities are endless when architecture and design is merged with the latest technologies and that never ceases to inspire me. A pink house overlooking the Mediterranean… I’m sold! - Lesley Mathys, Group Managing & Syndication Editor
Italian Summer Breakaway
A rural breakaway on a stunning olive farm in the Italian countryside? Count me in! Casa Olivi, a countryside escape in Marche, Italy was conceived by architects Wespi+deMeuron. The minimalist rental banks on stunning views and minimalist design to draw those with sophisticated taste to the countryside. I certainly wouldn't mind spending a summer here. - Walter Hayward, Managing & Syndication Editor
Turbine Art Fair
Nothing inspiring like witnessing emerging creatives merge history into contemporary art. Tyra Naidoo's selected works are currently showing at the Turbine Art Fair, exploring with Henna and silver pigment on Fabriano Rosapina paper. - Esihle Mngini, Junior Copy Editor