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Designs inspired by top travel destinations

The colour schemes of six attraction and used these palettes to digitally redecorate a living room

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By Travel Reporter | October 20, 2020 | Trends


Picture: Unsplash

The wild colour schemes that Mount Fuji, the Grand Canyon, or the Serengeti boast might not be the most obvious choices for the sophisticated urban home designer. But with lockdown and many stuck at home, HomeAdvisor is showcasing how people can take inspiration from their favourite destinations.

The team at HomeAdvisor identified the colour schemes of six areas of outstanding natural beauty around the world and used these palettes to digitally redecorate a living room.

“Nature doesn’t follow trends, and HomeAdvisor wanted to see what timeless colour inspiration could come out of looking at different travel locations around the world,” said Lee McCullagh of HomeAdvisor.

“The team selected six locations that are known for their natural beauty and worked with a designer to pick out the colours from photographs of these places to create a colour palette.

The team then wanted to show just how different a room can feel by changing the colour scheme, so they created a virtual living room to show the different variations," he added.

McCullagh said as the colour scheme came together, the team noticed that this could be an excellent way to combat holiday blues this year.

“As travel is off the table for many of us, we have much more free time to spend sprucing up our homes. If you’re wanting to create a scheme for yourself, the team would suggest looking at your favourite travel images and you’ll start to notice a colour story, take two of these colours that work well together for your main colours, but then look in the background for the more subtle shades to form your accent colours. For example, images of Greece are often blue and white, but you’ll notice pops of pink with some of the wildflowers and some dark shades of blue from the sea,” added McCullagh. Here are the destinations and the living rooms created:

Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA


Great Barrier Reef, Australia


Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming, USA


Mount Fuji, Honshu Island, Japan


Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada


Serengeti National Park, Northern Tanzania
