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How to stockpile sensibly for a coronavirus lockdown

Concerns are growing about a coronavirus lockdown and how we're all going to cope if we're stuck at home. While we'll hopefully still be able to get to the shops, it would seem sensible to stock up on a few of the basics. . .

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By House & Garden | November 10, 2020 | Diy

Picture: Unsplash

The first coronavirus lockdown in March of this year was an unprecedented event; none of us had any idea how to survive it, and we responded by panic buying! While this has since proved not to be a sensible strategy, as it meant food shortages for those most in need, we can't deny that we still feel the urge to have a few back-up stocks in the larder as we head into lockdown mark two. Although food shops will very much be open, there's always the possibility of having to self-isolate or quarantine, so it can't hurt to have a few things around. Here's what we're thinking of buying, just in case.


The easiest place to start is with the tinned and dry foods that will keep in the pantry indefinitely. Tinned foods like tomatoes, beans and coconut milk are useful for lots of different dishes. Dry staples like pasta and rice, pulses, spices and baking supplies are all versatile and helpful to have in the house - and they'll get used up at some point anyway. Have a few packets of tea and coffee on standby - they're easy to come by and easy to store, along with a couple of litres of olive oil for cooking and dressings. Make sure there are a few luxuries on hand too - a few bars of chocolate, jams and marmalades, and if you're so inclined, it might not be a bad time to order a crate of wine and a bottle or two of spirits.


Many fresh foods store well–meat, butter, milk and bread are easy to freeze, and yoghurt keeps well in the fridge. Hard cheese keeps much better than soft cheese - a few sealed blocks of Parmesan will be fine for up to four months in the fridge or eight months in the freezer. Buying frozen berries and tropical fruits is also easy enough, and though the texture is never quite the same as the fresh version, they're ideal for smoothies. The same goes for vegetables: pre-frozen bags of spinach, peppers and other greens, which will keep for a good few months in the freezer. Garlic and ginger, essential for so many dishes, keep well in the freezer and can be grated from frozen. You may as well buy fresh fruit and vegetables if staying at home seems imminent. Leafy greens and soft fruits will have to be used first, but root vegetables, potatoes and onions all keep for a long time in the pantry, provided they are stored in a cool, dark place. Pickles and fermented foods are very helpful to have around as they keep for months - gherkins, capers and kimchi will add a bit of zest to everyday dishes.

Bathroom and household

When Quartz trawled through Mumsnet to find which products were most talked about in terms of stockpiling for Brexit, toilet paper and pasta were top of the list–a fascinating insight into the UK's priorities. Loo roll is one of those things you don't think about much until you don't have it, and there has already been panic-buying in Australia. Hand sanitiser seems like an obvious choice, although supplies are already running low in pharmacies and supermarkets. Bin bags and cleaning products, including laundry detergent, are a must, along with some disinfectant to comply with any coronavirus cleaning advice. Many people are buying everyday medications like antihistamines, over-the-counter painkillers and children's essentials like Calpol, just in case. And don't forget a two-week supply of food for your pets, in the event of your not being able to leave the house!

Written by Virginia Clark.

This originally appeared on House & Garden UK.

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