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How to turn your balcony into a fragrant retreat

According to Life Is a Garden colourful flowers in pots are an ideal way to brighten any area in your garden, patio or balcony

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By House & Garden South Africa | July 29, 2020 | Gardens

Picture: Impatiens, Life is A Garden
Picture: Impatiens, Life is A Garden

Picture: Begonias are hardy and easy to grow in containers, Supplied

With September comes spring and Life Is a Garden has shared a few of their potted garden top picks, which are: roses, marigolds, impatiens and begonias. All you need is the right location and enough room for a large container, and you will be able to transform your area into a fragrant retreat glowing with colour.

For sunny spots plant:

Roses - container grown roses live happily for years when given what they need. Choose the right rose… fragrant, compact, disease-resistant varieties with continual bloom perform best. Avoid climbers or large shrub roses. Place your pot in a sunny location.

Marigolds are easy-going plants that bloom reliably, even in direct sunlight, punishing heat and poor to average soil. Although they are beautiful in the ground, growing marigolds in containers is a surefire way to enjoy this delightful plant. They are available in orange, yellow, mahogany or bicolour, and in double or single blooms.

For shady spots plant:

Impatiens are shade tolerant and very easy to grow. They do very well in containers and hanging baskets. Because they like shade, they can be grown in many areas of your home that may not typically sustain plant life. They come in a variety of colours and will perform best in well-drained soil.

Picture: Impatiens, Life is A Garden

Begonias are found in shades of white, pink, yellow, and scarlet. They are hardy and easy to grow in containers. All it requires is a little sun, a little water, and much love. Begonias like to sit in locations that have daily full to partial morning sunlight and afternoon shade and prefer well-drained soil.

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