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SEE: The trendy house plants Instagrammers can't get enough of

Instagrammers can't get enough of these popular photo-friendly indoor plants

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By Gerry Cupido  | August 19, 2019 | Gardens

When the delicious monstera leaf became the trendiest decor print, everything from scatter cushions to wallpaper were (still are) covered in it. 

Now home decor enthusiasts are not only obsessed with the print but the actual plant as well. 

This split-leafed plants make regular appearances on Instagram. Whether it’s featured in trendy apartment posts or flat lay shots by influencers, this trendy plant is the “it” plant right now. It even has a hashtag that trends on Mondays - #MonsteraMonday

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Maternity Picture with my first born 💕🌱 . . . . . . . #plantsofinstagram #propagation #greenery #indoorgreen #indoorjungle #instaplant #plants #plantsmakemehappy #plantlady #plantlove #urbanjungle #houseplantsofinstagram #houseplantsclub #crazyplantlady #plantsplantsplants #plantstyling  #cuttings, #monstera #monsteradeliciosa #monsteramonday #amazing #plantgoals #urbanjungleblog

A post shared by Plants 🌿(@plantladykaro) on Aug 13, 2019 at 8:13am PDT

The delicious monstera isn’t the only plant that Instagrammers are loving right now. If you’re planning on getting a new plant, check out these Insta-famous plants for inspiration. 

Chinese Money Plant

This plant gets its name from the coin-shaped leaves that appear to stack on top of each other as they grow. It’s a quirky looking plant referred to by some as a “friendship” plant because it propagates quickly and easy to share. 

String of Pearls

You can’t help but love these tiny green strings of pearls. These dainty vivid green plants are mostly found in hanging baskets. 

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Hello everyone! Welcome my string of pearls who is the latest addition to the gang from the plant sale. Haven’t decided yet whether it’s its final spot but for now it’s gonna occupy the stool. . . . . . #stringofpearls #plantmum #plantparent #plantparenthood #stringofpearlsplant #stringsofpearls #plantshopping #plantobsessed #plantlady #houseplantdecor #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #houseplantslover #houseplantlover #plantslovers #houseplantdiary #houseplantsdiary #HouseOfPlantLovers #stringofpearlssunday #talkplantytome #plantspiration #plantsofinsta #loveforplants #discovertheplantcommunity #starzecrowleya #seneciorowleyanus #trailingplants #roślinywdomu #roślinydoniczkowe #miejskadżungla

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Rubber plant

If you’re looking for a tree-like looking plant to fill a corner space then this easy care plant is great. The large glossy leaves are their most beautiful feature. 

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I brought this cutie patootie home yesterday afternoon... and within an hour two boys and a lamp came crashing down on top of it. #thisiswhywecanthavenicethings - boys wrestling on chairs. Thankfully the plant is ok, just short 3 leaves. Please, someone one up me with a plant disaster story?! Someone? Anyone?

A post shared by Leah | Cotton & Pine Shop(@cottonandpineshop) on Aug 11, 2019 at 8:45am PDT

ZZ Plant

This plant is indestructible. You don’t have to know anything about the plant to own one. Excellent for those who are rarely home. It’s hardy stems and thick glossy leaves make it a no-brainer must-have.