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Inside Lee Daniels’s Beverly Hills Home

Award winning director, producer and writer Lee Daniels gives a tour of his California pad

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By Amy Saunders | August 2, 2019 | Interiors


American film and television writer, director, and producer, Lee Daniels, recently settled in his second home in the East Coast city, Beverley Hills.

The co-creator of Empire opened the doors of his home to Architectural Digest (AD) where he explained that setting up a permanent home in Los Angeles was a more economical option for him as opposed to constantly living in hotels.

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Oscar-nominated director, writer, and producer @leedaniels never wanted to set up a permanent home in Los Angeles (“I’m a New Yorker,” he says), but hotel living apparently adds up, and so he finally realized, with some prodding from his business manager, that buying a home would actually be a more economical option. But even as Daniels was house-hunting last year, the @empirefox co-creator knew he didn’t want to go big. “So many of my friends’ homes are pretentious or they’re just big for no reason other than being big,” he says. “I liked the bones of this house because I knew that I would be able to furnish it—the more minimal, the better.” When he moved in last spring, he says, “it felt like I was putting on a pair of jeans,” and he furnished the whole thing, with the help of his friend @RoxySowlaty, in a month and a half. In the kitchen, Daniels poses with his daughter, Clara, and his partner, stylist @feeshlite. Take a tour of the home via the link in our profile. Photo by @samfroststudio; text by @julievadnal

A post shared by Architectural Digest(@archdigest) on Aug 1, 2019 at 5:59am PDT

Daniels created a space furnished with exact replicas from his home in Manhattan while sticking to his theme of minimalist dream with shades of charcoal, white, black and wooden textures.

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“I liked the bones of this house because I knew that I would be able to furnish it—the more minimal, the better,” says Oscar-nominated director, writer, and producer @leedaniels of finding his permanent home in Los Angeles. When he moved in last spring, he says, “it felt like I was putting on a pair of jeans,” and he furnished the whole thing, with the help of his friend @RoxySowlaty, in a month and a half. To make himself feel even more at home, Daniels filled the four-bedroom house in Coldwater Canyon with exact replicas of some of the pieces in his Manhattan apartment, such as the piano, where friends Mariah Carey and @lennykravitz play when they visit, and the emerald velvet sofa in the living room. In the master bathroom, a glass shower takes centerstage. “It’s a great reminder to keep your ass in shape,” Daniels laughs. See more of the home via the link in our profile. Photo by @samfroststudio; text by @julievadnal

A post shared by Architectural Digest(@archdigest) on Aug 1, 2019 at 3:08pm PDT

Speaking to AD Daniels said, “So many of my friends’ homes are pretentious or they’re just big for no reason other than being big. I liked the bones of this house because I knew that I would be able to furnish it—the more minimal, the better.”