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#DIY: 4 storage hacks for a supremely organised refrigerator

We looked at ways in which you can keep your fridge supremely organised, and below are some of the most ingenious storage solutions you should steal

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By Lutho Pasiya  | June 25, 2019 | Kitchen

Keeping a well-organised fridge is vital for safe storage and it not only makes you feel better, but can also help you preserve the quality of your food.

We looked at ways in which you can keep your fridge supremely organised, and according to The Kitchen, below are some of the most ingenious storage solutions you should steal.

Try out an “eat me first” box

It’s a sad day when you clean out your fridge, only to realize how many forgotten items have expired and gone to waste. Avoid that scenario with this clever solution. Fill a shoe box with any items that are on their last legs and convince everyone in your house to reach for those things before anything else in the fridge.

Keep raw meats in a separate bin.

It’s bad news bears if a package of uncooked meat happens to leak onto, say, a bowl of grapes. To prevent cross-contamination between raw meats and, well, everything else, try this tip we previously wrote about and keep those packages in a separate bin.

Label everything

Unless you live alone, chances are you’re not the only one going in and out of your fridge. Help everyone from your partner to your kiddos to guests find the proper place to return items with organized (and pretty!) labels.

Create a snack stack

If you (or your family?) happen to be a big snacker, then this idea is one you should steal. Keep those snacks (think: cheese sticks, baby carrots, small containers of hummus, etc.) from floating around all willy-nilly by placing a small set of storage drawers in your fridge.