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SEE: Time-lapse travel videos you can enjoy from home any time

Staying in one place and lusting over travel blogs is never going to satiate you, but you can travel the world right at home with these time-lapse videos featuring some of the world's most iconic attractions

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By Clinton Moodley  | March 30, 2020 | Travel Leisure

Image: Pexels
Image: Pexels

Time lapses have become all the rage over the years and travel vloggers use it for many of their vlogs. 

One influencer named Brian Youchak, who hails from New Jersey, dedicated a website and Instagram page to showcase his time-lapse videos. 

Youchak, who showcases some of the world’s most iconic attractions, details his journey as a time-lapse photographer. 

He said on his website: “I picked up the hobby four years ago while living in Ireland and had to chance to document my trips to Barcelona, Paris, and across Ireland. I love to see images in motion and the surprise they bring along when you see them for the first time. Motion is literally everywhere!” (sic). 

Youchak has travelled to many countries, including Argentina, Mexico, Japan, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, France, and the United States. His time-lapses receives thousands of views. 

Here are some of our favourites: 


“My first video is from a trip to Argentina, where I went to Buenos Aires.  An absolutely beautiful city and my highest recommendation,” he said on his website. 

New York 

Youchak said that this video was part of a two-year-long project of filming New Jersey and New York City. He said: “I moved to the state  and was impressed with the diversity of urban and landscape scenes.”


He counts  Portugal among some of the most scenic places he has visited. 


The photographer visited Dublin where he explored places like Kinsale, Kerry, Dingle, Galway, and Belfast.  “The weather was absolutely perfect,” he said. 

This article was originally published on IOL

Feature Image: Pexels